Attention Customers,

Shipping and Pick up Disclaimer:

In store pick up orders are available as usual. For large-walking-in orders, please give us a phone call 24 hours in advance to assure availability of products. We do not accept returns or exchanges. All sales are final.
Please choose the appropriate shipping method with regard to the approximated distance to our shop. To keep the best freshness and shape of the products, our recommendation is that the shipping trip does not take more than 2 days. If you choose a method that takes more than that timeframe, be aware that your stuff might thaw before they get to you. When you place an order, it doesn't mean it will be shipped right away. Shipping orders may take up to 3 weeks to get to you (maybe more during November and December). If you need some urgency, please contact us by phone first.

Thank you! We appreciate your business!

Opening hours:
Monday - 10 am - 3 pm 
Tuesday - 10 am - 4pm
Wednesday - 9 am - 5 pm
Thursday - 9 am - 5 pm
Friday - 9 am - 5 pm
Saturday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sundays - Closed

Call us at (201) 991-1436